Keep secrets

Keep secrets

Keep secrets

In the information space, we often have to enter our data: full name, address, date of birth, document numbers. Is it safe?

Personal data (name, surname, address, date of birth, document numbers) can only be entered on government websites or on ticket purchase websites. And only if the connection is established via the https protocol. A green padlock icon should appear to the left of the site address – this means that the connection is secure.

It is unlikely that a child will need to register on state websites, but even if it is needed, it should be done under the guidance of parents anyway. It is important to remember that in no case should the data of any documents and bank cards be transferred via the Network. Even (and even more so) if someone asks about it, tries to convince that a critical situation has arisen, rushes and repeats that it is urgent to send information.

If such a situation arises, the child should immediately contact the parents. If they tell him that nothing can be told to anyone, and they frighten him with unpleasant consequences, all the more urgently it is necessary to tell the family about everything. Intimidation and attempts to get information at all costs indicate that you are fraudulent.