Be careful with your purchases

careful with your purchases

Be careful with your purchases

The main rule of online shopping is this: a child’s access to money should be limited and under the control of parents.

The main financial losses usually occur through the telephone. It is necessary to connect paid content blocking services, not to put a lot of money on the children’s phone account and control costs. All other payments must be agreed with the parents and only take place under their supervision.

All services that accept money must have a green “https” icon next to their name. If there is no such icon, it is better not to use the page. However, even its presence does not give one hundred percent guarantee.

Look at the domain name

Attackers often try to register similar domains. Therefore, it is important to take a close look at the name of the site. If there is an error or typo in the domain, you are being deceived.

What should you pay attention to when checking a domain:

Trying to confuse users, attackers often replace letters with symbols – for example, the number “1” instead of the letter “I”: ONL1NE, not ONLINE.

Some may spell the domain correctly, but use a different alphabet for this. In this case, the letters in the address bar look like Latin letters, but in fact the name of the site is typed in the alphabet of another language. It is the hardest thing to find such a fake.